WOMEN BODY SHAMING “YOU ARE NOT A MISTAKE. YOU ARE NOT A PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED. We all are unique creature of God; everybody is unique and beautiful in their own ways but we the literate humans can’t get rid of commenting and judging people as all of us has done this at least once in our life. According to survey 47.5% women in India have experienced body shaming at their school or workplace. What actually Body shaming is? It involves humiliating someone by making inappropriate or negative comments about their body, size,shape , hair,color , clothing etc. Body shaming is not just restricted to size and shape but also done on the basis of skin color and type. People pass false comments if the skin is not fair in color or if there are some marks on your skin even for pimple too. TOO FAT, TOO SKINNY. We are perfectly imperfect, and we should embrace ourselves the way we are, the way others are, and the way God has made us u...
Showing posts from August, 2023